See How Strong Values Create Successful Teams

See How Strong Values Create Successful Teams
    Ready to take your real estate business to the next level?

    Deciding to grow your team is an exciting time in the life of your business and it's easy to get carried away and quickly try to hire new people. You're busy, there's a lot of work, and you need help! But PAUSE. Taking the time to do a few simple steps before you hire anyone can make a world of difference and improve your team's success in the long run.

    If you haven't already, we'd encourage you to take a look at our playbook, CINCPlaybook_firstpage.jpg"Five Steps to Effectively Build a Premier Real Estate Team." It will guide you through this process and break it down into simple and quick tasks. The second step in our playbook discusses why it's important to set the rules and values for your team, but where do you start?

    Life Balance Institute created a great worksheet that will help you define your team's values in 3 easy steps. It's a simple, yet effective method to identify what values are most important to you and also help you figure out how to makes those values actionable.

    You can find their worksheet HERE.

    Once you've gone through the worksheet and identified your values, use these in your interviewing process. Do the people you're hiring share your values? If not, are they really going to help you achieve your goals? It's unlikely. However, once you have a team that shares your values and rules, it will help you recruit and retain employees.

    DYK values


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